Wildlife Catch - Nuisance Animal Removal - Tampa Bay - Pet services, animal services, Tampa Bay - 272429


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Wildlife Catch - Nuisance Animal Removal - Pet services, animal services

Ref. number: 272429 Updated: 16-07-2010 02:39

Offering: Pet services, animal services in United States, Florida, Tampa Bay

Wildlife Catch, serving the Tampa Bay area. Call us for removal of unwanted wildlife. Using thermal technology & old fashioned know how! We are a paid service, trapping and removing raccoons, snakes, armadillo, bats, pocket gophers, squirrels and feral cats. Rates are based on your location & animal. Animal exclusion and damage repairs, attic fogging, bio clean-up. Call us for a FREE estimate. We beat any other trapper's written estimate. 727-289-5732.

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Contact information
First name: Sandy
Last name: Holloway
Phone number: 727-289-5732
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